(Michelle Whitney)
We asked 10 people our questionnaire. and we decided to film them, and we edited the film so that we used the best answers, and the answers that reflected the majority of the feedback we recieved. In terms of audience feedback that we received from the questionnaires, we found out that films such as 'Kidadulthood' and 'Adulthood' were very popular amongst our age group..most people also thought these types of films contain, violence, sex, drugs. And so, our film follows these iconographical conventions, as it features several elements of violence..and indicates that sex and drugs could also follow within the plot. We also found out that in terms of people watching these media products, they are mainly illegally downloaded...which is a representation of our audience. We only asked people who we thought that would be interested in 'Urban' films and the 'Urban' genre..we also found that people thought this type of film would be certificated as an 18, as they usually contain violence and explicit language, and also explicit sexual scenes; however we felt if we certified our film as an 18, we could potentially lose alot of our target demographic, which is young to older teenagers..we do not want to isolate our main audience. So, we felt that 15 is more necessary. At 15 years of age, they should be aware of these issues, and we also felt its important that these issues are tackled, because although they are sometimes explicitly explored, this is real life. And teenagers and children cannot be wrapped up in cotton wool, their whole lives, this is the reality of the situation within the society we live in; and from this aspect this film could also be viewed as a microcosm of society at large..merely reflecting an underclass and the hardhships they must face on a daily basis. Also, we had to evaluate each others media films within our class, and the feedback we received here was also very useful. Although not alot of detail was given, many people said that our film was engaging and only needed work on the sound. One boy left a comment saying that our film stereotyped his race. We, infact would disagree with this, within our sequence we aimed to create a realistic character, but who is also likeable to an extent..we can understand and empathise, realisatin of the reality of his situation. Of course he wants revenge which is fundamentally not the right way to deal with sitauations, but when you are that low and have nothing to lose..its almost justifiable.